Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Atlanta, Here We Come!

Hi Everyone, Patty Smith Hall here and I've been racing around this evening, getting everything pressed, packed and ready to go to the Romance Writers of America Conference which is taking place over the next few days in Atlanta, Georgia. I'm very excited to share my hometown with the wonderfully talented writers meeting at the Downtown Marriott Marquis to learn more about the craft and business of writing, and even more excited to reconnect with dear friends.

It's not all business, not when so many creative imaginations gathered in one place! Just to give you some idea--a few years ago, I was at another conference here in Atlanta and a group of us got into a lively discussion. How can you kill off a character without leaving any evidence about the cause of death? It was a lively conversation, made even more interesting when we had to explain to some off duty police officers that we were really writers brainstorming a new suspense novel, not planning to whack someone!

And there's chocolate--lots and lots of chocolate! How can anyone possibly work out a riveting plot and create heart stopping characters without Hershey Kisses or (my personal favorite!) Reese's Peanut Butter Cups!

But let's not forget the classes! Everything from dressing your Regency characters to meeting experts in law enforcement to planning out your writing career are offered, not to mention the list of editors and agents that you can meet over a cup of coffee or on the elevator! A real opportunity to grow as a writer!


1 comment:

  1. Have a great time I hear an aussie won one of the touched by love contest (Shes an online friend who I am so excited for)


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